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Murdering Creek Campaign
Beulah Community organised a visit to Murdering Creek with traditional owners Lyndon Davis and Kerry Jones, where we had a discussion about healing the land and reconciliation.
We are raising funds for a memorial at Murdering Creek honoring the people who died there. This project has the support of the Native Title claimants.
A compilation of several videos about Murdering Creek from Beulah Community's NAIDOC 2020 Lest We Forget Murdering Creek campaign
The Traditional Owners Lyndon Davis and Kerry Jones visit Murdering Creek and talk about healing the land
Meredith Walker AM discusses monuments and memorials to the Frontier Wars and the need for one at the Murdering Creek site
The recording of Sam Jones singing his song The Ballad of Murdering Creek with sound man Rhys Harnell and Mickhail Gladyshev on bass
Local history researcher Meredith Walker discusses new evidence for the Murdering Creek Massacre
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